As I’m getting older it’s harder for me to remember things while I realize there are more things I need to learn. Improving my memory is important. Jotting things down so that I can revise later is also a good alternative.

Go is a powerful programming language, and has been my “main” programming language for a few years by the time this post is being written. I’m excited to learn Hugo, and hopefully I can create something fun with it. In this post I am sharing a basic tutorial of creating a blog using Hugo, and deploy it to a github page. This is what I achieved in a 2-hour session (yeah, I know, you can probably finish this in less than 2 hours, I’m getting old and slow!) of reading Hugo documents and repeating trial-and-error.

Hugo Installation

The first thing to do, is to install Hugo. I’m gonna assume that you’re using a Mac, and have already installed brew. Run this command in your terminal of choice.

$ brew install hugo

Verify hugo version by running hugo version in your terminal. At the moment of writting this post, I’m using v0.101.0+extended.

Now you can run this command to initiate a new hugo site repository in your current directory

$ hugo new site personal-blog

This command will create a new folder personal-blog in your current directory. Note that personal-blog will be the folder to host all the necessary assets of the site. You are free to use another name as you see fit. For the remaining of this tutorial I will keep refering to the site we’re working on as personal-blog, but you should know what I’m talking about.

Hugo Theme

The next thing we’re gonna do is to install another theme. The theme I’m choosing for this tutorial is PaperMod. To do this, firstly you need to cd into personal-blog and init a new git repository, and then finally add a git submodule of the new theme. All these steps are illustrated in the following commands

$ cd personal-blog
$ git init
$ git submodule add --depth=1 themes/PaperMod

You should probably see a bunch of new files added to folder personal-blog. Next, you should open your config file located at personal-blog/config.toml and add a new line to specify the theme

theme = "PaperMod"

The First Post

Our new blog is almost ready now! We’re gonna add a sample post to our blog. As a tradition, we’re gonna add a Hello World blog post. The command for this is as followed

$ hugo new posts/

You should realize that a new file created at personal-blog/content/posts/ This is the content file for our first blog post. Go ahead and open it in your favorite text editor, you will see something like this

title: "Hello World"
date: 2022-07-17T15:14:05+07:00
draft: true

You can update the file content to add a simple Hello World message to your audience like this

title: "Hello World"
date: 2022-07-17T15:14:05+07:00
draft: true

Hello World

Note that the draft status is set to true, which means it won’t be visible by default. However, this is good enough to showcase our blog in the local environment.

Local Deployment

Hugo local deployment can simply be done by running the following command

$ hugo server -D

The -D parameter means we’re publishing our drafts as well as the finished posts. You should see some build logs in your terminal that includes a URL to your local blog. For me, it’s http://localhost:1313/personal-blog/. Open your favorite browser and access the link, you should be greeted with your new blog! It’s really nice of Hugo to provide us live reload out of the box, which means you can change your first post content, and Hugo will rebuild the blog automatically. Go ahead and try changing Hello World into something else and see for yourself.

We have just finished setting up our new blog in our local machine, it’s time we take a step further: deploying our blog to the internet so that we can share with other people. This tutorial is quite long already, so let’s continue in another blog post!